Monday, February 28, 2011

At Home Workouts

Some days going to the gym seems like a battle of the wills. Today was one of those days. I substitute teach and on days when there are no jobs it is hard for me to motivate myself to head to the gym. I work much better with the schedule involved with working. So today I motivated myself to work out at home and I felt like I had actually gotten a workout afterwords.

I tried the Wii Fit for the 100th time today. Some of the activities seem like a waste of time but others are actually a good workout. The three best Wii Fit activities that I have found are the boxing activity, doing the hula hoop game which is a great exercise for your core, and the yoga section. I was surprised to find that I really liked the yoga section. I am one of the least flexible people I know, touching my toes is difficult so yoga is one of the exercises I have avoided like the plague. However, this morning I did the very basic yoga as part of the Wii Fit program. It was difficult for me, as I've heard yoga would be, but I am motivated to do some form of yoga several times a week after today. My body was tired afterwords, which sometimes doesn't happen even after a trip to the gym.

A few other at home workouts that I would recommend if you just can't get to the gym, or if you're like me and just don't want to go sometimes, are any of the Biggest Loser or Jillian Michael's Workouts. They are reasonably inexpensive to purchase and provide a great work out in a fairly short amount of time. I have heard great things about P90X but can't bring myself to spend that kind of money when I can take my dog for a walk outside or do a less expensive video at home.

I hope you will get up and workout with me at least a few times this week, no matter how hard it is! I will be back posting about all the ways that I'm trying to stay healthy and posting delicious recipes along with other tips, tricks, and frustrations I might face.

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