Monday, March 7, 2011

Snow Days

Today I woke up to snow!!! Most people would find this a little less exciting than I do, considering it's March 7th. However, I love to wake up and see everything covered in white! But, weather like this can often have a negative effect on working out. I know that I can find just about any excuse to avoid working out because I hate being sweaty. That is truly the only reason that I hate it so much. If I didn't sweat, working out would be a much more enjoyable activity!

So today, I'm going to do a snow day workout. With my injured ankle I am still limited in what I can do. So the goal for today is to do at least 200 sit ups..... probably not all at once! I will also do at least twenty minutes of strength training and I will either do the Wii fit or a video that doesn't involve jumping jacks because of my ankle.

I think that setting a reasonable goal for yourself is one of the most important things. I know that it's not reasonable for me to do a 3 hour workout yet so I am working up to more intense and more frequent workouts. If you never workout start with 15 minutes, 5 days a week. You can easily do that and it won't seem as daunting as trying to workout for 2 hours a day. I am starting with 45 minutes, 5 days a week. Some days I workout for longer than that and sometimes it's hard for me to get to 45 minutes.

Remember that its better to do 15 minutes then to get so overwhelmed by the idea of exercise that you don't workout at all. I will be back to share about my experience attempting to workout on a regular basis. I hope that you can do the same thing!

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