Saturday, March 26, 2011


Sorry it has been a while since my last post. I am in Virginia right now interviewing, job hunting, and testing to help prepare for our potential move. It has been difficult to maintain the healthy lifestyle on my trip because there are so many things I only get when I'm here. However, my mom helps to keep me in check with meals around the house. Today we had oatmeal pancakes for breakfast with Light V8 Fusion juice, for lunch I had Chik-fil-A which isn't healthy but is delicious and I only get it when I'm visiting my hometown because there are no locations where I live. Finally for dinner we had multi-grain pasta and baked chicken parmesan which is a delicious substitute for a deep fried restaurant favorite.

My most difficult thing with traveling is working out. The weather here has been different than expected and I didn't plan on working out in 40 degree weather so I only have shorts. I did make one trip to the gym and it was a very good workout, but I will be working extra hard to get back on the health food track when I return home in a few days. I still feel deprived sometimes instead of knowing that what I have is just as good and even better for me. I still feel like I'm missing out when I don't get french fries at a restaurant even though I know I will feel better if I eat a salad or mashed potatoes as an alternative to something fried.

If you're better than I am about working out and eating healthy on your vacations I hope that I can develop your discipline, if not, I recommend setting some ground rules for yourself. Like one meal a day or one meal every two days can be a little less healthy, but try to keep breakfast and dinner healthy. If you deprive yourself completely it will lead to worse things down the road. Everything's ok in moderation! Have a great rest of the week, I will return with some more recipes in the next few days!

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